RC Sailboat Stand: Wall Stand for T37 Wooden Model Sailboat
RC Sailboat Stand: Wall Stand for T37 Wooden Model Sailboat Wooden RC Sailboat Stand: Wall Stand displaying T37 Model Boat hull Wooden RC Sailboat Stand: Wall Stand for T37 Remote Control Sailboat

The T37 RC Sailboat Wall-Hanging Stand hangs on an ordinary picture hook, and is perfect for displaying your 37 inch T37 Tippecanoe model sailboat. The stand is closed in the front so the keel is enclosed. It is made of 1/8 inch 316 grade stainless steel with clear vinyl cushions. On display, your RC Sailboat will add an elegant nautical flair to a room and will always be a fun reminder of your latest adventures out on the water.

The Table Stand also sits on a table or shelf. This stand is made with the same stainless steel and clear vinyl cushions as the Wall Stand, and is great for indoor use and outdoor use on calm days.  For blustery days, the Lakeside Stand will hold your Model Sailboat safely even in strong winds.